A Dress for the Bride
You may recall before my sojourn in the bush, Xavier had given Ariadne an extraordinary ring for their betrothal. It seems my disappearance had a dampening effect on Xavier (who experience teaches us is a mercurial fellow). Now that I have returned his spirits are again buoyant. He says the merfolk of his watery psyche have lifted him from the ocean deeps, where his only companions were eyeless phosphorescent eels, back to balmy shallows teeming with coral and Picasso fish. He and Ariadne are feverishly planning their wedding. On my suggestion Ariadne has turned to Norma Jean for haute couture.
Together we made our way to Norma Jean's place, where she fed us tea with blueberry scones and whipped cream. Magazines were flipped through and red carpet dresses were examined from gala do's the world over. Now Ariadne is such a slender reed of a girl, one could justifiably call her 'stick thin', that a lovely elegant sweep of silk seemed to be gaining favour. Ariadne was positive at first but as page after page was turned her mood changed. She lapsed into quiet contemplation, the pictures strewn across the table before her.
Norma-Jean busied herself with the oven and I watched her pet Axolotyl, Hieronymous, eating a little piece of raw fish (he loves sushi Norma Jean tells me). We intended to give Ariadne a moment to collect herself. Suddenly she swept all the magazines onto the floor and declared
"This is NOT for me". With the intensity of her small frame and the quivering form of her Jack Russell Matilda by her side she commanded our attention.
“ My friends” she declared “I am not such a one as these” she indicated celebrity flesh, “nor these” with a sweep of her hand towards the bridal magazines. “I have an idea...” and grabbing pencil and paper she sketched for us a vision so astonishing we were left speechless. Even Hieronymous seemed surprised.
After another pot of tea conversation resumed and the practical particulars were broached.
Xavier is not happy at being excluded from the surprise but as he plans something no doubt equally startling is keeping quiet about it under his Admiral's plume. I do hope he leaves his Trident at home on the wedding day. Which my friends, is planned for May the 13th.