The Grand Tour Began like this...
So. It all began with another meeting at the Anonymous Patron's Club, The Stag on the Moor.
Again I found the gentleman seated, cloaked in impenetrable shadows, apart from his elegantly clad feet. These were elongated in exotic slippers of bright yellow satin and were quite distracting.
Until he spoke.
His deep voice drew my attention up towards his shadowy visage.
'I believe you should take The Grand Tour' he said
'Ah' I replied.
The Grand Tour. I imagined myself in Vienna, in Rome, Florence, in Paris. I grew quite dizzy.
'However' he said 'I think you should begin in Greece'
I saw myself crowned with olive branches upon a pebbled shore, dancing, Byronic.
I nodded.
'And you will need a Bear-Leader' he said.
I must have looked flummoxed
'A tutor, a chaperon, some one to guide and guard you' he said
'Do I really need...I mean after all' I said
'No I insist. It must be so. You will find a suitable Bear-Leader within three days. It is mandatory.' I blinked.
'You may go' said he.
Fumbling, nodding, clearing my throat I was shown to the exit.