Monday, September 24, 2012


There is no doubt that an absense such as mine must be explained. It indeed remains to be seen if those dear fond readers will forgive such a lapse. My last post, I shudder to look upon it now, with it's exuberant photograph. Oh what travails have I passed since then. That snake, that worm, that treacherous bedevilled vertebrate, Hieronymus. Suffice it to say that he was indeed a creature with otherworldly connections, which he used to entrap me in Hades. He lured me onto Charon's ferry and set me down the river Styx. It has taken me this long to extricate myself and only after playing endless rounds of backgammon with a very bored Persephone. She finally relented and allowed me to leave (and this only I suspect because a talented Go player had lately come to Hades and she was getting bored of backgammon!)
Upon my return the ever gracious Norma Jean gave me tea and cupcakes. It seems she is allowing
The Constance Spry Cookery Book to lie fallow in favour of The Constance Spry Book of Flower Arranging as her oracular conduit. She offered to give me a reading. I was so discombobulated I was not sure which aspect of my troubled existence the oracle might address. Nevertheless a reading was given and these were the words offered.

"We do not know whether everyone sees the same colours and I have often heard two people give different names to what seems to be the same colour. Try all colours in different combinations..."

This expansive missive from the fates has led me back here dear reader.