Saturday, July 15, 2006

Well. Ernestine came over early this morning and we had a talk about our disagreement. She was very touched by my card and said she was sorry too. She said she had done some thinking and began to explain why my ideas were so disturbing. As she spoke I recalled the strong reaction she had shown early in our friendship when I brought up decoupage. Of course it all makes sense to me now and I should have realized earlier. She has a dread of scrapbooking and cut outs, they give her a sense of mortality. They remind her of the long years spent in the claustrophobic environs of the Victorian scrapbook from which she is only newly liberated. She doesn't share the sense of new horizons and freedom that the cut out and collage give me. Still she was willing to be convinced to which end we visited one of my favourite places- the recycling centre. Together we rummaged and sifted and sorted and exchanged exclamations of delight. Here we are with some of our finds from the fabric samples bin.

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