Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Through the Found Objects Looking Glass

Here I am looking at the world through my Found Glass magnifying glass, feeling brassy in the new coat Norma Jean made for me. I have imposed on her to attempt yet another outfit for the Undersea Extravaganza this weekend. She says there isn't much time but she will give it a go. (Admiral) Xavier and I have decided that our contribution to this art event needs to be more contemporary. We wish to incorporate some technological element. I have some ideas involving one of my found objects. I am meeting the Admiral for lunch today so we shall see what he thinks. He is in very good form these days, his obsession with all things marine notwithstanding. His relationship with Ariadne flourishes. He is now helping her with her act, Ariadne's Performing Pups, which he reports is bridging the divide between himself and her lead player and constant companion, the Jack Russell Matilda. I am pleased for this myself as she is quite a handful to dog sit.

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